Friday, November 7, 2008

Coach Barry Wittenberg

Coach Barry Wittenberg helped Coach Carayiannis with the Haymarket Hurricanes for the first year and is looking forward to continuing as a Hurricane coach and seeing returning wrestlers, as well as, welcoming new wrestlers to the program. Barry is currently the President and Owner of Audio Buys, a Manassas based retailer and integrator of Structured Wiring, Security, Home Theater and Distributed Audio Systems. His family includes wife Suzie, 7 yr old son Brandon, and 4 yr old daughter Lauren. Barry's passion for the sport of wrestling began early in High School. He was a team captain and developed into a regional contender. He also earned a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from Old Dominion University, where he competed in intramural meets. Over the past several years, Barry has coached kids Soccer and Wrestling. He thoroughly enjoys and gets extreme satisfaction from working with the kids and watching them develop.